Green Textile Dyeing

The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, in particular, the dyeing of textiles. Yearly, 6.500.000.000.000  ( 6,500 billion) liters of utterly polluted water is dumped into local water sources. This has a terrible impact not only upon the environment but upon the communities ,the people who live and work there.

In 2010, Han Hamers and his Indian business associate Mahalingam opened the first eco- friendly textile dyeing plant in India: Mahan Ltd. (mahalingam and Han merged is Mahan)

A revolutionary concept, as used water was contained in a series of large basins, biologically purified and -excepting a 5% loss due to evaporation- reused. In this manner 1 million liters of water dayly was recycled, 330 million liters per year using a closed circuit with 0 % pollution.

Mahan dyeing process:

Mahan water cleaning process: